PARALELY – 2015.07.08
Ídea výstavy PARALELY vznikla na základe série výstav o slávnych vilách Great Villas. Tento výber prezentuje tie majstrovské diela, ktoré v sebe nesú spoločné znaky s vilami architekta Ladislava Hudeca zrodené v Šanghaji. Aj touto výstavou by sme chceli poukázať…
PARALLELS exhibition
The Parallels exhibition was born as the reinterpretation of the former Great Villas exhibition, which represented the outstanding villa architecture of the V4 countries.This selection presents those masterpieces, that are parallel to the Shanghai Villas of László Hudec. The aim…
International Architect Congress 2015
7th March 2015, Saturday Budapest, Castle Bazaar and the Royal Gardens 7th March 2015, Saturday Budapest, Castle Bazaar and the Royal Gardens 08.00–09.00 Registration 09.00–09.30 Opening ceremony: H. Gajus Scheltema ambassador (Netherlands), Deniz İncedayı vice-president of UIA – president…
Architects’ Regatta, 2014
photos by Gergely Besenyei You can find the website here, and the photos about the event. “The first sailing club was established by the architect Ignác Alpár. We, the XXI. century hungarian architects follow the spiritual heritage of our ancestors…
Hudec Memorial Meeting, 2014
videos from the Hudec Memorial Meeting’s speeches Hudec Memorial Meeting – Opening Ceremony Hudec Memorial Meeting – László Kövér Hudec Memorial Meeting – Gergely Prőhle Hudec Memorial Meeting – Gergely Salát Hudec Memorial Meeting – Boglárka Lukács Hudec Memorial…